You need only 3 items to make Japanese home style food. Let's make it easy!

japanese food Diy

HI. I like to share how I cook Japanese home style food everyday in USA.
 I am very lazy person and I am trying make my dinner cooking is simple and easy. I usually need only 30 to 45 min to cook my dinner.  And I have been able to save some money by doing myself than ordering delivery food from Japanese restaurant... I hope this helps you to shorten your cooking time and add other menu on your book....

Just please excuse my English... I am still learning!  If there is any problem to understand in here... let me know Please!

Anyway... ahem...

What you need to do is adding those 3 items in your shopping list to make your dinner Japanese.

  • Rice
  • Soy Sauce
  • Miso Paste

And some cooking skills....

Which rice should I get?

Those are my recommendation for short grain rice brands from California. If you can find and buy imported Japanese rice would be great but California Rice is equally good as Japanese imported rice!!!  You will need 1-2 cup for a person a one meal. You can choose which size you like to get.


Nishiki is the most easy to find at grocery store and usually price is lower than other Japanese rice brand. If you can find a New Crop, Nishiki is good. And lot of Japanese restaurant also use Nishiki for their business. However if you have been in Japan and eat rice in Japan, Nishiki may taste little different...


Kagayaki is amazing brand. I am really happy to find Kagayaki here in USA. Taste is great and high quality. I would eat everyday and no complain. They use Koshihikari which is popular breed in Japanese rice and grow in Sacrament California.  Kagayaki is my 1st recommendation!


Tamaki is Marvelous! This company is owned and operated by Japanese. This rice is sticky as I wanted and sweet and doesn't broke when I cook.  YES, this is the rice I wanted!! They have good web site. Please check. I think you will understand much better than I write in here.

I think I need to say about price. It is just little expensive than I want to spend. I think it is fair price since Tamaki delivers amazing quality. So If you don't mind to spend money on rice. Tamaki is the one for you!  I sometime buy this brand when I got extra money to spend.

Do you have rice cooker?

I really hope you have rice cooker at your home.... If you don't,,, don't worry if you have deeper pan and lid, you can cook rice without rice cooker. I will write how to cook rice in the deeper pan later...!

Miso Soup is your life sever

You can add anything into Miso soup

Maybe you think Miso soup is the one have tofu and seaweed and scallion. No, it doesn't have to. You can put more different kind of vegetables, meat, and seafood. I usually make Miso soup to eat more vegetables. I think you can find Miso paste at any grocery store.

What is Dashi? Forget about it for now...!

Most common miso soup recipe's first step is making Dashi which is a broth made by konbu seaweed and bonito fish....

Just Buy Cheating dashi powder at Japanese grocery store

NO. don't waist your time for dashi broth. It is very difficult! You can get powder dashi! It is Okay! Even my mother use them! You can also find a organic one nowadays.

or use vegitable stock 

You couldn't find the magical dashi powder? It fine. You can use regular vegetable broth that you can find in grocery store. I sometime don't even use them. What you just need some vegetables. I recommend to use one of each in those vegetables which is Allium, Root vegetable, squash and leaf vegetables.


Example: Onion, Scallion, Leek,,,, etc

Root Vegetables or Squash

Example: Potato, Carrot , Daikon, turnip Pumpkin,,,,etc

Leaf vegetable

Example: Spinach, kale, Cabbage,,,etc ( I wouldn't use lettuces...)

Easy instruction to make Miso soup without Dashi broth.


One onion, one large potato, one carrot, and some cut kale


1. Chop all veges

2. Stare fly them in deep pan (if you are using spinach or kale, Do not put them until the end) I like to use butter or sesami oil at this time.

3. Add salt (1/2 table spoon) if you can add later if you need it.

4. Add water to cover all veges and cook.

5. Once water is boil and veges are soft, turn off the stove.

6. Add kale or If you like to add tofu

7. Add 2-3 table spoon of Miso paste. *check taste and add more as your needs.

You should not boil the Miso paste.

 I will make more detailed instruction in another time...

What is your Entrée today?

 For me Entree means protein. I love to eat meat or fish. I need protein!!!!! However you can just choose anything you like to eat. How about grill salmon, or steak? How about chicken? Tofu steak?

You can just use soy sauce for your taste and it become Japanese dish. And let me tell you. You don't even need a soy sauce. Just salt is fine. Enjoy your favorite protein!

My favorite dish is Roasted beef patty

This is like a hamburger with out bread... Wired? This is very popular dish in Japan and kids loves it! I even use ketchup for sauce. Of cause you can use soy sauce to be more Japanese!  And you can add some side veges makes your nutrition better! Isn't this sound easy? I will add more other entree menus later on!

for now I will just put how to make wasabi soy gravy...

How to make Wasabi Soy gravy


Wasabi(tube paste wasabi is easy to use),
Soy sauce,
Cooking red wine


1. Use same pan which you use to roast beef patty. (do not wash yet!)  If you got too much oily beef juice then reduce some.

2. Reheat the pan and once it become hot add 1/3 cup of cooking wine
3. Add 2-4 table spoon of Soy sauce and stair
4. Once it boiled, turn off the stove
5. Add 1 inch of Wasabi Paste and stair

Put it on your Beef patty and Enjoy!

So what makes Japanese Food?

Easy, answer is RICE!!!

Well ...technically there is Japanese food without rice,,, like Udon, soba noodle...
what I wanted to say, I just love Rice so much. I don't think I can live without rice...

So, most of my dinner, I get Rice.Then other two, Vegetable soup and protein.

 For the soup I usually use miso paste. However I use tomato paste instead of miso. Some time add curry powder....

For the protein, I try to rotate meat and fish....Honestly I get more meat just because I love them....

I just hope you could find something from this!

Thank you for staying!




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